Organic Kona Coffee Milkshake E-liquid
Our Organic Kona Coffee Milkshake is our all time biggest seller. It has a huge following of devoted customers who can't get enough of its rich, sweet, creamy taste. This flavor is bold and strong and, many of our customers feel, the very best coffee flavor available anywhere. Try it and decide for yourself! Like all of our e-liquids, it is flavored with USDA Certified Organic Flavorings. We NEVER use artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, or artificial flavors. Our e-liquids contain nicotine, USP (pharmaceutical grade) vegetable glycerin, USDA certified organic flavorings, pure distilled water and NOTHING ELSE. If you select the PG option, your e-liquid will also contain USP propylene glycol. Packaged in glass, NOT plastic. Always diacetyl free!
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